Why aren’t SCM diff decorations showing in the gutter in VS Code 1.76.1?

This is probably a case of the following reported bug in VS Code 1.76.1: Git decorations not shown in 1.76.1 #176749. That issue ticket got closed in favour of Git gutter not shown in workspace with multiple folders
, where the issue has been purportedly fixed for the latest insiders version of VS Code. You can indicate that you are also experiencing a similar issue by giving it a thumbs up reaction.

The issue should be fixed in version 1.76.2, so try updating to that first.

Other workarounds include rolling back to VS Code 1.76.0, but do know that that version also has its own bugs.

I’ve also heard that someone got rid of the issue by deleting all their VS Code config/state/cache folders and reinstalling, but I personally wouldn’t do that. I’d rather just hold onto that config/state/cache info and wait for fixes.

For your reference / learning purposes, I found this by googling “github vscode issues git gutter not working” and filtering for results from the past month.

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