Why cv2.so missing after opencv installed?

How to install opencv(cv2) with python bindings in Linux – Ubuntu/Fedora

  1. Install gcc, g++/gcc-c++, cmake (apt-get or yum, in case of yum
    use gcc-c++)

    apt-get install gcc, g++, cmake
  2. Downlaod latest opencv from openCV’s website

  3. Untar it with

    tar -xvf opencv-*
  4. Inside the untarred folder make a new folder called release

    mkdir release
    cd release

    (or any folder name) and run this command in it


    the .. will pull files from the parents folder and will get the system ready for
    installation on your platform.

  5. in the release folder run

  6. After about 2-3 mins of make processing when its finished run

    sudo make install
  7. Export python path

    export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages

That’s it, now go to python and try

>>> import cv2

you should not get any error message.

Tested on python 2.7, should be virtually similar to python 3.x.

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