Why not catch general Exceptions

Swallowing exceptions is a dangerous practice because:

  • It can cause the user to think something succeeded when it actually failed.
  • It can put your application into states that you didn’t plan for.
  • It complicates debugging, since it’s much harder to find out where the failure happened when you’re dealing with bizarre/broken behavior instead of a stack trace.

As you can probably imagine, some of these outcomes can be extremely catastrophic, so doing this right is an important habbit.

Best Practice

First off, code defensively so that exceptions don’t occur any more than necessary. They’re computationally expensive.

Handle the expected exceptions at a granular level (for example: FileNotFoundException) when possible.

For unexpected exceptions, you can do one of two things:

  • Let them bubble up normally and cause a crash
  • Catch them and fail gracefully

Fail Gracefully?

Let’s say you’re working in ASP.Net and you don’t want to show the yellow screen of death to your users, but you also don’t want problems to be hidden from the dev team.

In our applications, we usually catch unhandled exceptions in global.asax and then do logging and send out notification emails. We also show a more friendly error page, which can be configured in web.config using the customErrors tag.

That’s our last line of defense, and if we end up getting an email we jump on it right away.

That type of pattern is not the same as just swallowing exceptions, where you have an empty Catch block that only exists to “pretend” that the exception did not occur.

Other Notes

In VS2010, there’s something called intellitrace coming that will allow you to actually email the application state back home and step through code, examine variable values at the time of the exception, and so on. That’s going to be extremely useful.

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