Why vectorizing the loop over 64-bit elements does not have performance improvement over large buffers?

This original answer was valid back in 2013. As of 2017 hardware, things have changed enough that both the question and the answer are out-of-date.

See the end of this answer for the 2017 update.

Original Answer (2013):

Because you’re bottlenecked by memory bandwidth.

While vectorization and other micro-optimizations can improve the speed of computation, they can’t increase the speed of your memory.

In your example:

for(k = 0; k < LEN; k++)
    c[k] = a[k] * b[k];

You are making a single pass over all the memory doing very little work. This is maxing out your memory bandwidth.

So regardless of how it’s optimized, (vectorized, unrolled, etc…) it isn’t gonna get much faster.

A typical desktop machine of 2013 has on the order of 10 GB/s of memory bandwidth*.
Your loop touches 24 bytes/iteration.

Without vectorization, a modern x64 processor can probably do about 1 iteration a cycle*.

Suppose you’re running at 4 GHz:

  • (4 * 10^9) * 24 bytes/iteration = 96 GB/s

That’s almost 10x of your memory bandwidth – without vectorization.

*Not surprisingly, a few people doubted the numbers I gave above since I gave no citation. Well those were off the top of my head from experience. So here’s some benchmarks to prove it.

The loop iteration can run as fast as 1 cycle/iteration:

We can get rid of the memory bottleneck if we reduce LEN so that it fits in cache.
(I tested this in C++ since it was easier. But it makes no difference.)

#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

int main(){
    const int LEN = 256;

    double *a = (double*)malloc(LEN*sizeof(*a));
    double *b = (double*)malloc(LEN*sizeof(*a));
    double *c = (double*)malloc(LEN*sizeof(*a));

    int k;
    for(k = 0; k < LEN; k++){
        a[k] = rand();
        b[k] = rand();

    clock_t time0 = clock();

    for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++){
        for(k = 0; k < LEN; k++)
            c[k] = a[k] * b[k];

    clock_t time1 = clock();
    cout << (double)(time1 - time0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
  • Processor: Intel Core i7 2600K @ 4.2 GHz
  • Compiler: Visual Studio 2012
  • Time: 6.55 seconds

In this test, I ran 25,600,000,000 iterations in only 6.55 seconds.

  • 6.55 * 4.2 GHz = 27,510,000,000 cycles
  • 27,510,000,000 / 25,600,000,000 = 1.074 cycles/iteration

Now if you’re wondering how it’s possible to do:

  • 2 loads
  • 1 store
  • 1 multiply
  • increment counter
  • compare + branch

all in one cycle…

It’s because modern processors and compilers are awesome.

While each of these operations have latency (especially the multiply), the processor is able to execute multiple iterations at the same time. My test machine is a Sandy Bridge processor, which is capable of sustaining 2x128b loads, 1x128b store, and 1x256b vector FP multiply every single cycle. And potentially another one or two vector or integer ops, if the loads are memory source operands for micro-fused uops. (2 loads + 1 store throughput only when using 256b AVX loads/stores, otherwise only two total memory ops per cycle (at most one store)).

Looking at the assembly (which I’ll omit for brevity), it seems that the compiler unrolled the loop, thereby reducing the looping overhead. But it didn’t quite manage to vectorize it.

Memory bandwidth is on the order of 10 GB/s:

The easiest way to test this is via a memset():

#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

int main(){
    const int LEN = 1 << 30;    //  1GB

    char *a = (char*)calloc(LEN,1);

    clock_t time0 = clock();

    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++){

    clock_t time1 = clock();
    cout << (double)(time1 - time0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << endl;
  • Processor: Intel Core i7 2600K @ 4.2 GHz
  • Compiler: Visual Studio 2012
  • Time: 5.811 seconds

So it takes my machine 5.811 seconds to write to 100 GB of memory. That’s about 17.2 GB/s.

And my processor is on the higher end. The Nehalem and Core 2 generation processors have less memory bandwidth.

Update March 2017:

As of 2017, things have gotten more complicated.

Thanks to DDR4 and quad-channel memory, it is no longer possible for a single thread to saturate memory bandwidth. But the problem of bandwidth doesn’t necessarily go away. Even though bandwidth has gone up, processor cores have also improved – and there are more of them.

To put it mathematically:

  • Each core has a bandwidth limit X.
  • Main memory has a bandwidth limit of Y.
  • On older systems, X > Y.
  • On current high-end systems, X < Y. But X * (# of cores) > Y.

Back in 2013: Sandy Bridge @ 4 GHz + dual-channel DDR3 @ 1333 MHz

  • No vectorization (8-byte load/stores): X = 32 GB/s and Y = ~17 GB/s
  • Vectorized SSE* (16-byte load/stores): X = 64 GB/s and Y = ~17 GB/s

Now in 2017: Haswell-E @ 4 GHz + quad-channel DDR4 @ 2400 MHz

  • No vectorization (8-byte load/stores): X = 32 GB/s and Y = ~70 GB/s
  • Vectorized AVX* (32-byte load/stores): X = 64 GB/s and Y = ~70 GB/s

(For both Sandy Bridge and Haswell, architectural limits in the cache will limit bandwidth to about 16 bytes/cycle regardless of SIMD width.)

So nowadays, a single thread will not always be able to saturate memory bandwidth. And you will need to vectorize to achieve that limit of X. But you will still hit the main memory bandwidth limit of Y with 2 or more threads.

But one thing hasn’t changed and probably won’t change for a long time: You will not be able to run a bandwidth-hogging loop on all cores without saturating the total memory bandwidth.

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