Javascript reflection: Get nested objects path

Just use recursion to walk the object.

var person = {
    name: "somename",
    personal: {
        weight: "150",
        color: "dark",
        foo: {
            bar: 'bar',
            baz: 'baz'
        empty: {

// however you want to do this
var isobject = function(x){
    return === '[object Object]';

var getkeys = function(obj, prefix){
    var keys = Object.keys(obj);
    prefix = prefix ? prefix + '.' : '';
    return keys.reduce(function(result, key){
            result = result.concat(getkeys(obj[key], prefix + key));
            result.push(prefix + key);
        return result;
    }, []);

var keys = getkeys(person);

document.body.innerHTML = '<pre>' + JSON.stringify(keys) + '</pre>';

Then use to massage the array of keys into your preferred format.
Note the behaviour with person.personal.empty.

This does seem like a strange way to store an object’s keys. I wonder what your ‘further use for it down the road’ is.

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