CSS @font-face not working in ie

I read a lot of tutorials that suggested hacks, so I came up with this solution I think is better… It seems to work fine. @font-face { font-family: MyFont; src: url(‘myfont.ttf’); } @font-face{ font-family: MyFont_IE; src: url(‘myfont.eot’); } .my_font{ font-family: MyFont, MyFont_IE, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }

HTML 5 versus XHTML 1.0 Transitional?

HTML5 is so much easier to write than XHTML 1.0. You don’t have to manually declare the “http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml” namespace. You don’t have to add type attributes to script and style elements (they default to text/javascript and text/css). You don’t have to use a long doctype where the browser just ignores most of it. You must … Read more

HTML 4, HTML 5, XHTML, MIME types – the definitive resource

Contents. Terminology Languages and Serializations Specifications Browser Parsers and Content (MIME) Types Browser Support Validators and Document Type Definitions Quirks, Limited Quirks, and Standards modes. Terminology One of the difficulties of describing this is clearly that the terminology within the official specifications has changed over the years, since HTML was first introduced. What follows below … Read more

Embed a PowerPoint presentation into HTML

Google Docs can serve up PowerPoint (and PDF) documents in it’s document viewer. You don’t have to sign up for Google Docs, just upload it to your website, and call it from your page: <iframe src=”https://docs.google.com/gview?url=https://www.yourwebsite.com/powerpoint.ppt&embedded=true” style=”width:600px; height:500px;” frameborder=”0″></iframe>

Can the tag not be self closed?

In HTML, there are tags which are always self-closed. For example, <hr>Some content here</hr> does not make any sense. In the same way, there are tags which cannot be self-closed. <script> tag is one of them. I am not sure about the reason of no self-closed <script> tags, but the reason might come from the … Read more