Database – Data Versioning [closed]

I have done various audit schemes over the years and I am currently going to implement something like this: Person ———————————————— ID UINT NOT NULL, PersonID UINT NOT NULL, Name VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL, DOB DATE NOT NULL, Email VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL Person_History ———————————————— ID UINT NOT NULL, PersonID UINT NOT NULL, Name VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL, … Read more

uncertainty in developing a database model

Note on Progression Given the fact that the Question changes substantially (in clarifying the requirement, not is scope) in response to my Response and TRD, this is going to take some back-and-forth. Let’s identify Steps: your Step numbers are odd, starting from 1; mine, in response, are even. Parts of previous Response Steps have become … Read more

In a StackOverflow clone, what relationship should a Comments table have to Questions and Answers?

I’d go with the Posts approach. This is the best way to ensure referential integrity. If you need additional columns for Answers and Questions respectively, put them in additional tables with a one-to-one relationship with Posts. For example, in MySQL syntax: CREATE TABLE Posts ( post_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, post_type CHAR(1), — must be ‘Q’ … Read more

Derived account balance vs stored account balance for a simple bank account?

Preface There is an objective truth: Audit requirements. Additionally, when dealing with public funds, there is Legislature that must be complied with. You don’t have to implement the full accounting requirement, you can implement just the parts that you need. Conversely, it would be ill-advised to implement something other than the standard accounting requirement (the … Read more

Databse architecture (single db vs client specific db) for Building Enterprise Web (RIA) application on cloud

The three main techniques that is usually applied to the database usage for this kind of a multi-tenant requirement is below. You have already specified some of them. Separate databases for each tenant: very high cost, easy to maintain/customize, easy to tune, easy to backup, easy to code to. Shared database but different schema: Low … Read more