Using Maven for deployment

Ok, I think the following might do what you need. The drawback of this approach is that there will be an interval between each deployment as the subsequent build is executed. Is this acceptable? Define a profile in each project with the same name (say “publish”). Within that profile you can define a configuration to … Read more

PhpStorm – Advantages of Editing Deployed Files Directly vs Downloading and Syncing

If I edit files directly on the deployed server, would any PhpStorm functionality be lost? Yes. To name a few: IDE cannot index files that are not in the project and therefore cannot provide any code completion help for classes/functions/etc that defined on remote only files; True project-wide search is not possible (as it works … Read more

Best Practice for loading 3rd party JARs in JBoss AS7 standalone deployment?

For smaller dependencies that’re private to a deployment, keep ’em in WEB-INF/lib in your .war, that’s what it’s for. If you’re using Maven that should be pretty much automatic and transparent for anything in the <compile/> scope. For big, complex dependencies or dependencies that’ll be shared between several apps, use option (4): Deploy each logical … Read more

Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 0

Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 0 Web.config : <connectionStrings> <add name=”TestDataConnectionString” connectionString=”Data Source=.\SQLExpress;Initial Catalog=TestData;User ID=satest;Password=satest” /> </connectionStrings> In aspx.cs Page the code must be written in the below format : SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[“TestDataConnectionString”].ToString());