Can traits be used on enum types?

Can traits be used on enum types? Yes. In fact, you already have multiple traits defined for your enum; the traits Debug, Copy and Clone: #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub enum SceneType The problem is that you aren’t attempting to implement Playable for your enum, you are trying to implement it for one of the enum’s … Read more

How do I conditionally check if an enum is one variant or another?

First have a look at the free, official Rust book The Rust Programming Language, specifically the chapter on enums. match fn initialize(datastore: DatabaseType) { match datastore { DatabaseType::Memory => { // … } DatabaseType::RocksDB => { // … } } } if let fn initialize(datastore: DatabaseType) { if let DatabaseType::Memory = datastore { // … … Read more

Pass enums in angular2 view templates

Create an Enum: enum ACTIVE_OPTIONS { HOME = 0, USERS = 1, PLAYERS = 2 } Create a component, be sure your enum list will have the typeof: export class AppComponent { ACTIVE_OPTIONS = ACTIVE_OPTIONS; active: ACTIVE_OPTIONS; } Create a template: <li [ngClass]=”{ ‘active’: active === ACTIVE_OPTIONS.HOME }”> <a routerLink=”/in”> <i class=”fa fa-fw fa-dashboard”></i> Home … Read more

Does Dart support enumerations?

Beginning 1.8, you can use enums like this: enum Fruit { apple, banana } main() { var a =; switch (a) { case print(‘it is an apple’); break; } // get all the values of the enums for (List<Fruit> value in Fruit.values) { print(value); } // get the second value print(Fruit.values[1]); } The … Read more

Enum as Parameter in TypeScript

It’s not possible to ensure the parameter is an enum, because enumerations in TS don’t inherit from a common ancestor or interface. TypeScript brings static analysis. Your code uses dynamic programming with Object.keys and e[dynamicKey]. For dynamic codes, the type any is convenient. Your code is buggy: length() doesn’t exists, e[Math.floor((Math.random() * length)+1)] returns a … Read more

How to programmatically enumerate an enum type?

This is the JavaScript output of that enum: var MyEnum; (function (MyEnum) { MyEnum[MyEnum[“First”] = 0] = “First”; MyEnum[MyEnum[“Second”] = 1] = “Second”; MyEnum[MyEnum[“Third”] = 2] = “Third”; })(MyEnum || (MyEnum = {})); Which is an object like this: { “0”: “First”, “1”: “Second”, “2”: “Third”, “First”: 0, “Second”: 1, “Third”: 2 } Enum Members … Read more

Dart How to get the name of an enum as a String

Dart 2.7 comes with new feature called Extension methods. Now you can write your own methods for Enum as simple as that! enum Day { monday, tuesday } extension ParseToString on Day { String toShortString() { return this.toString().split(‘.’).last; } } main() { Day monday = Day.monday; print(monday.toShortString()); //prints ‘monday’ }