Service won’t stop when stopService method is called

I am going to guess that your having a method call for releaseBind() means that you previously called bindService() on this service and that releaseBind() is calling unbindService(). If my guess is incorrect, please ignore this answer.

A service will shut down after all bindService() calls have had their corresponding unbindService() calls. If there are no bound clients, then the service will also need stopService() if and only if somebody called startService() on the service.

So, there are a few possibilities here:

  1. You still have bound clients (e.g., other activities), in which case you cannot stop the service until they unbind
  2. Since both unbindService() and stopService() are asynchronous, something might be going haywire with the timing, in which case you may get better luck if you call stopService() from your ServiceConnection‘s onServiceDisconnected() method

Also, bear in mind that the exact timing of the service being destroyed is up to Android and may not be immediate. So, for example, if you are relying upon onDestroy() to cause your service to stop some work that is being done, consider using another trigger for that (e.g., activity calling a stopDoingStuff() method through the service binder interface).

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