AngularJS Dependency Injection when no dependencies

Because angular.module(‘app’) with 1 parameter has a different function – to get an already existing module without having a code reference to it. The reason this: angular.module(‘app’, []); // Define the module. angular.module(‘app’); // Get the module. works as well as this: var app = angular.module(‘app’, []); // Define the module and assign to variable.

Is it feasible for a start-up of two developers to do full automated regression testing without manual testing? [closed]

The answer to this question is highly opinionated, but I’ll give it a shot anyway. From what you have described, seems you are “holding it wrong” in many ways. Your sprints are too long. You should be pushing to production once a day and should not be doing 2 hour of “regression testing” before every … Read more

What is Hungarian Notation? [duplicate]

What is Hungarian Notation? The StackOverflow tag itself says: “Hungarian notation is a language-independent naming convention in which an identifier’s prefix indicates its type. Examples include iCustomerId, sFirstName, etc.” Does it have any use cases in native Javascript, Jquery, or Angular? It can have, if you want it to. The $ is used a lot … Read more