Using jquery check/uncheck SelectAll checkbox when all the checkboxes in the group are checked/unchecked

There are a lot of ways to do this. I suggest making use of .is() when you want to check if a item is checked or not. Also, split up your work a little bit. Check one then two. Would not suggest you try to bank them together. Working Example: JavaScript $(function() { $(“#one_select_all”).change(function() … Read more

If statement in LINQ

A ternary operation requires this format condition ? truepart : falsepart In all of yours you are not providing that falsepart. (Note I would have happily rewritten your code to work had you have posted it, but I’m not copying it all out from an image!) In general though, I dont believe you need the … Read more

How to check checboxes in a php table?

I do not know what $row[‘check-in’] contains but you just need use html checked: if($row[“check-in”]==’on’){ $checked=” checked=’checked'”; }else{ $checked=”; } echo “<td><input type=”checkbox” class=”get_value” name=”checkbox” “.$checked.”></td>”; Edit: to use in loop: echo “<td><input type=”checkbox” class=”get_value” id=’checkbox[]’ name=”checkbox[]” “.$checked.”></td>”;

Checkbox hidden on body load [closed]

I think you’re looking for document.onready which is available using jQuery, but to keep it with javascript, as in your question, I suggest you move your javascript call to the end of the document. The onload will execute before the checkbox is rendered, that’s why you’re getting the error. Try the following approach: <html xmlns=””> … Read more