Remove diacritical marks (ń ǹ ň ñ ṅ ņ ṇ ṋ ṉ ̈ ɲ ƞ ᶇ ɳ ȵ) from Unicode chars

I have done this recently in Java: public static final Pattern DIACRITICS_AND_FRIENDS = Pattern.compile(“[\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}\\p{IsLm}\\p{IsSk}]+”); private static String stripDiacritics(String str) { str = Normalizer.normalize(str, Normalizer.Form.NFD); str = DIACRITICS_AND_FRIENDS.matcher(str).replaceAll(“”); return str; } This will do as you specified: stripDiacritics(“Björn”) = Bjorn but it will fail on for example Białystok, because the ł character is not diacritic. If … Read more

Is there a way to get rid of accents and convert a whole string to regular letters?

Use java.text.Normalizer to handle this for you. string = Normalizer.normalize(string, Normalizer.Form.NFD); // or Normalizer.Form.NFKD for a more “compatible” deconstruction This will separate all of the accent marks from the characters. Then, you just need to compare each character against being a letter and throw out the ones that aren’t. string = string.replaceAll(“[^\\p{ASCII}]”, “”); If your … Read more

Remove accents/diacritics in a string in JavaScript

With ES2015/ES6 String.prototype.normalize(), const str = “Crème Brulée” str.normalize(“NFD”).replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, “”) > “Creme Brulee” Two things are happening here: normalize()ing to NFD Unicode normal form decomposes combined graphemes into the combination of simple ones. The è of Crème ends up expressed as e + ̀. Using a regex character class to match the U+0300 → U+036F … Read more

What is the best way to remove accents (normalize) in a Python unicode string?

Unidecode is the correct answer for this. It transliterates any unicode string into the closest possible representation in ascii text. Example: accented_string = u’Málaga’ # accented_string is of type ‘unicode’ import unidecode unaccented_string = unidecode.unidecode(accented_string) # unaccented_string contains ‘Malaga’and is of type ‘str’