Getting an element from a Set

To answer the precise question “Why doesn’t Set provide an operation to get an element that equals another element?”, the answer would be: because the designers of the collection framework were not very forward looking. They didn’t anticipate your very legitimate use case, naively tried to “model the mathematical set abstraction” (from the javadoc) and … Read more

Comparing two strings, ignoring case in C# [duplicate]

If you’re looking for efficiency, use this: string.Equals(val, “astringvalue”, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Ordinal comparisons can be significantly faster than culture-aware comparisons. ToLowerCase can be the better option if you’re doing a lot of comparisons against the same string, however. As with any performance optimization: measure it, then decide!

How do I test if a variable does not equal either of two values?

Think of ! (negation operator) as “not”, || (boolean-or operator) as “or” and && (boolean-and operator) as “and”. See Operators and Operator Precedence. Thus: if(!(a || b)) { // means neither a nor b } However, using De Morgan’s Law, it could be written as: if(!a && !b) { // is not a and is … Read more

How to override equals method in Java

//Written by K@stackoverflow public class Main { /** * @param args the command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO code application logic here ArrayList<Person> people = new ArrayList<Person>(); people.add(new Person(“Subash Adhikari”, 28)); people.add(new Person(“K”, 28)); people.add(new Person(“StackOverflow”, 4)); people.add(new Person(“Subash Adhikari”, 28)); for (int i = 0; i < people.size() … Read more