how to share a variable across modules for all tests in py.test

Update: pytest-namespace hook is deprecated/removed. Do not use. See #3735 for details. You mention the obvious and least magical option: using a fixture. You can apply it to entire modules using pytestmark = pytest.mark.usefixtures(‘big_dict’) in your module, but then it won’t be in your namespace so explicitly requesting it might be best. Alternatively you can … Read more

Should I use window.variable or var?

A potentially important difference in functionality is that window.myGrid can be deleted, and var myGrid can not. var test1 = ‘value’; window.test2 = ‘value’; console.log( delete window.test1 ); // false ( was not deleted ) console.log( delete window.test2 ); // true ( was deleted ) console.log( test1 ); // ‘value’ ( still accessible ) console.log( … Read more

Is it possible to use global variables in Rust?

It’s possible, but heap allocation is not allowed directly. Heap allocation is performed at runtime. Here are a few examples: static SOME_INT: i32 = 5; static SOME_STR: &’static str = “A static string”; static SOME_STRUCT: MyStruct = MyStruct { number: 10, string: “Some string”, }; static mut db: Option<sqlite::Connection> = None; fn main() { println!(“{}”, … Read more