Use a content script to access the page context variables and functions

Underlying cause: Content scripts are executed in an “isolated world” environment. Solution: Inject the code into the page using DOM – that code will be able to access functions/variables of the page context (“main world”) or expose functions/variables to the page context (in your case it’s the state() method). Note in case communication with the … Read more

Official locator strategies for the webdriver

Yes, you saw it right. As per the current WebDriver – W3C Candidate Recommendation the Locator Strategies enlisted are as follows: “css selector”: CSS selector “link text”: Link text selector “partial link text”: Partial link text selector “tag name”: Tag name “xpath”: XPath selector Snapshot: However, the JsonWireProtocol was once used to support the Locator … Read more

Chrome extension that enables chatting with users on same page [closed]

Yes, there is. This one does exactly what you want, works for HTTPS sites as well since the connection to server this extension use is under HTTPS. It inserts a chat box to the original page and you can change the size of the chatbox or minimize it.

Why am I seeing a dropdown like thingy and need to “open” my Angular component in chrome

My colleague found the culprit, seems that ‘details‘ is a bad selector for an angular component… since HTML5 already contains a <details>-tag. So don’t use: @Component({ selector: ‘details’, templateUrl: ‘./details.component.html’, styleUrls: [‘./details.component.css’] }) rather use: @Component({ selector: ‘detailsWhatever’, templateUrl: ‘./details.component.html’, styleUrls: [‘./details.component.css’] }) Or any other selector that is not just ‘details’. Doh!

Syntax error on token “else”, delete this token [closed]

You forgot {} Do it in this way: if(browser.equals(“Mozilla”)) driver = new FirefoxDriver(); else if(browser.equals(“Chrome”)){ System.setProperty(“”, “F:\\chromedriver_win32\\chromedriver.exe”); driver = new ChromeDriver(); }else if(browser.equals(“IE”)){ System.setProperty(“webdriver.IE.driver”, “C:\\Users\\Ryuk~\\Downloads\\IEDriverServer_x64_2.43.0\\IEDriverServer.exe”); driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(); } driver.get(“”); System.out.println(driver.getTitle()); use if without {} is only possible if you have only one line, like your first part