Sending a details request to Google Places API – (CORS error) [duplicate]

The previous answer suggests using a server-side proxy. While that is a good solution for the general case of accessing a web API that does not support CORS or JSONP, it’s not the best solution for this specific problem. Instead, use Google’s JavaScript Places Library which is designed specifically for this kind of use. The … Read more

Google’s Places API and JQuery request – Origin http://localhost is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin

You’re trying to use the Places API web service, which is meant for use from server code and does not support the JSONP output you’d need for JavaScript. In JavaScript, you need to use the Places Library from the Maps API V3. You can’t just hit a URL directly from JavaScript or jQuery code. (You … Read more

How long do the new Places API session tokens last?

As far as I can see there is no official documentation regarding session duration for Places API in Google Maps Platform. I can share some information about sessions obtained from the technical support, however, it doesn’t provide exact value for session duration and it looks like Google won’t reveal the exact value. First of all, … Read more

Autocomplete in SearchBox does not work even in official example

Using the previous version of the Google Maps API worked for me. I was using v=3.exp and changed it to v=3.0 <script src=””></script> See : Related bug in the issue tracker: (from xomena’s comment)

Using Google Places API in Android

New tutorial available It appears that the original tutorial by Brian is now 404, so here is a link to the Google one in case people see this answer first. When this article was first written this tutorial didn’t exist. Original: You could try this tutorial (now 404):

How to get 20+ result from Google Places API?

As per the documentation: EDIT: Place API now supports pagination of up to 60 results. See below for details. The Places API will return up to 20 establishments per query; however, each search can return as many as 60 results, split across three pages. If your search will return more than 20, then the … Read more