How can I use goto in Javascript?

Absolutely! There is a project called Summer of Goto that allows you use JavaScript at its fullest potential and will revolutionize the way you can write your code. This JavaScript preprocessing tool allows you to create a label and then goto it using this syntax: [lbl] <label-name> goto <label-name> For example, the example in the … Read more

Alternative to a goto statement in Java

You could use a labeled BREAK statement: search: for (i = 0; i < arrayOfInts.length; i++) { for (j = 0; j < arrayOfInts[i].length; j++) { if (arrayOfInts[i][j] == searchfor) { foundIt = true; break search; } } } However, in properly designed code, you shouldn’t need GOTO functionality.

Will using goto leak variables?

Warning: This answer pertains to C++ only; the rules are quite different in C. Won’t x be leaked? No, absolutely not. It is a myth that goto is some low-level construct that allows you to override C++’s built-in scoping mechanisms. (If anything, it’s longjmp that may be prone to this.) Consider the following mechanics that … Read more

Is using a ‘goto’ statement bad?

EDIT: How bad is the goto statement really, and why? It depends on the exact situation. I can’t remember any time where I found it made the code more readable than refactoring. It also depends on your personal view of readability – some people dislike it more than others, as is clear from the other … Read more

What is wrong with using goto? [duplicate]

Because they lead to spaghetti code. In the past, programming languages didn’t have while loops, if statements, etc., and programmers used goto to make up the logic of their programs. It lead to an unmaintainable mess. That’s why the CS gods created methods, conditionals and loops. Structured programming was a revolution at the time. goto’s … Read more

Are there any legitimate use-cases for “goto” in a language that supports loops and functions?

Everybody who is anti-goto cites, directly or indirectly, Edsger Dijkstra’s GoTo Considered Harmful article to substantiate their position. Too bad Dijkstra’s article has virtually nothing to do with the way goto statements are used these days and thus what the article says has little to no applicability to the modern programming scene. The goto-less meme … Read more