Adding distance to a GPS coordinate

P0(lat0,lon0) : initial position (unit : degrees) dx,dy : random offsets from your initial position in meters You can use an approximation to compute the position of the randomized position: lat = lat0 + (180/pi)*(dy/6378137) lon = lon0 + (180/pi)*(dx/6378137)/cos(lat0) This is quite precise as long as the random distance offset is below 10-100 km … Read more

Which Devices Support Javascript Geolocation via navigator.geolocation?

As of today, the W3C Geolocation API (widely associated with, though not technically part of, HTML 5) is support in the following major desktop browsers: Firefox (since 3.5) Safari (since 5.0) Google Chrome (version depends on OS) Opera (since 10.60) Internet Explorer (since IE 9) There are at least two mobile browsers that implement the … Read more

Convert from latitude, longitude to x, y

No exact solution exists There is no isometric map from the sphere to the plane. When you convert lat/lon coordinates from the sphere to x/y coordinates in the plane, you cannot hope that all lengths will be preserved by this operation. You have to accept some kind of deformation. Many different map projections do exist, … Read more

Does GPS require Internet?

As others have said, you do not need internet for GPS. GPS is basically a satellite based positioning system that is designed to calculate geographic coordinates based on timing information received from multiple satellites in the GPS constellation. GPS has a relatively slow time to first fix (TTFF), and from a cold start (meaning without … Read more

getlastknownlocation always return null after I re-install the apk file via eclipse

Try Following Code LocationManager locationManager = (LocationManager) getActivity() .getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); String locationProvider = LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER; Location lastlocation = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(locationProvider); String CurLat = String.valueOf(lastlocation.getLatitude()); String Curlongi= String.valueOf(lastlocation.getLongitude());

Android GPS incorrect location data on query

From what is specified[difference of 4-5 blocks], you may be obtaining the location from networkProvider only. With this gpsTracker code mentioned in the question, there are a few modifications required, instead of using the code as it is: 1. There are 2 if loops which verify the source of location is enabled or not and … Read more

GPS coordinates in degrees to calculate distances

Why don’t you use CLLocations distanceFromLocation: method? It will tell you the precise distance between the receiver and another CLLocation. CLLocation *locationA = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:12.123456 longitude:12.123456]; CLLocation *locationB = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:21.654321 longitude:21.654321]; CLLocationDistance distanceInMeters = [locationA distanceFromLocation:locationB]; // CLLocation is aka double [locationA release]; [locationB release]; It’s as easy as that.