Why does JavaScript hoist variables?

As Stoyan Stefanov explains in “JavaScript Patterns” book, the hoisting is result of JavaScript interpreter implementation. The JS code interpretation performed in two passes. During the first pass, the interpreter processes variable and function declarations. The second pass is the actual code execution step. The interpreter processes function expressions and undeclared variables. Thus, we can … Read more

Order of hoisting in JavaScript

Functions are hoisted first, then variable declarations, per ECMAScript 5, section 10.5 which specifies how hoisting happens: We first have step 5 handling function declarations: For each FunctionDeclaration f in code, in source text order do… Then step 8 handles var declarations: For each VariableDeclaration and VariableDeclarationNoIn d in code, in source text order do… … Read more

‘Hoisted’ JavaScript Variables

Quoting MDN Docs on var hoisting, Because variable declarations (and declarations in general) are processed before any code is executed, declaring a variable anywhere in the code is equivalent to declaring it at the top. This also means that a variable can appear to be used before it’s declared. This behavior is called “hoisting”, as … Read more

Are variables declared with let or const hoisted?

@thefourtheye is correct in saying that these variables cannot be accessed before they are declared. However, it’s a bit more complicated than that. Are variables declared with let or const not hoisted? What is really going on here? All declarations (var, let, const, function, function*, class) are “hoisted” in JavaScript. This means that if a … Read more