kCFStreamErrorDomainSSL, -9802 when connecting to a server by IP address through HTTPS in iOS 9

iOS9 requires the server to only support TLSv1.2 and support perfect forward security. Also required is for the app to support IPV6 including not using hard-coded IP addresses. Suggested is to use NSURLSession. Otherwise exception additions must be made in the app plist. See the WWDC-15 session “Security and your Apps”. Also see Steven Peterson’s … Read more

UIAlertController – add custom views to actionsheet

UIAlertController extends UIViewController, which has a view property. You can add subviews to that view to your heart’s desire. The only trouble is sizing the alert controller properly. You could do something like this, but this could easily break the next time Apple adjusts the design of UIAlertController. Swift 3 let alertController = UIAlertController(title: “\n\n\n\n\n\n”, … Read more

How to get Wifi SSID in iOS9 after CaptiveNetwork is deprecated and calls for Wifi name are already blocked

Register your app as Hotspot helper. #import <NetworkExtension/NetworkExtension.h> NSArray * networkInterfaces = [NEHotspotHelper supportedNetworkInterfaces]; NSLog(@”Networks %@”,networkInterfaces); UPDATE (Sept. 11th, 2015) The following Captive Network APIs have been re-enabled in the latest version of iOS 9 instead. CNCopySupportedInterfaces CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo UPDATE (Sept. 16th, 2015) If you still prefer to use NetworkExtension and Apple gave you permission to … Read more