Understanding Multiprocessing: Shared Memory Management, Locks and Queues in Python

multiprocessing.Lock is implemented using a Semaphore object provided by the OS. On Linux, the child just inherits a handle to the Semaphore from the parent via os.fork. This isn’t a copy of the semaphore; it’s actually inheriting the same handle the parent has, the same way file descriptors can be inherited. Windows on the other … Read more

Understanding Multiprocessing: Shared Memory Management, Locks and Queues in Python

multiprocessing.Lock is implemented using a Semaphore object provided by the OS. On Linux, the child just inherits a handle to the Semaphore from the parent via os.fork. This isn’t a copy of the semaphore; it’s actually inheriting the same handle the parent has, the same way file descriptors can be inherited. Windows on the other … Read more

Dependent loads reordering in CPU

Short answer: In an out-of-order processor the load-store queue is used to track and enforce memory ordering constraints. Processors such as the Alpha 21264 have the necessary hardware to prevent dependent load reordering, but enforcing this dependency could add overhead for inter-processor communication. Long answer: Background on dependence tracking This is probably best explained using … Read more

Check if an application is idle for a time period and lock it

You can use these functions LockWorkStation GetLastInputInfo see this code, you must add a timer to your form, and set this.timer1.Enabled = true; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace WindowsFormsApplication9 { internal struct LASTINPUTINFO { public uint cbSize; public uint dwTime; } public partial … Read more

Read and write to a file while keeping lock

As said, you could use FLock. A simple example would be: //Open the File Stream $handle = fopen(“file.txt”,”r+”); //Lock File, error if unable to lock if(flock($handle, LOCK_EX)) { $count = fread($handle, filesize(“file.txt”)); //Get Current Hit Count $count = $count + 1; //Increment Hit Count by 1 ftruncate($handle, 0); //Truncate the file to 0 rewind($handle); //Set … Read more