double pointer to constant array

You can create an array of pointers to each row of your 2D array: double *A_const_p[] = { A_const[0], A_const[1], A_const[2], A_const[3], A_const[4], A_const[5], A_const[6]}; Then you can pass this array to MatrixMult. Note however that you’ll need to remove the const qualifier from A_const if you don’t want to change the function definition. You … Read more

Matrix operation in R: I have a square matrix whose determinant is zero, i need to find its inverse in R programing. Is it possible ,if yes how? [closed]

A matrix with determinant 0 does not have an inverse but one can calculate a generalized inverse (also see Moore Penrose inverse) which is not a true inverse but may be useful depending on what you want to do. See the ginv function in the MASS package (which comes with R). M <- matrix(1:9, 3) … Read more

C# Console Application program to Create a user defined matrix and find Lowest number [closed]

Put this outside your “main” method to get make sure the user gives a number. private static int GetNumber(string request) { bool succeeded = false; Console.WriteLine(request); string reply=””; while(!succeeded) { reply = Console.ReadLine(); try { int.Parse(reply);//Attempt to convert “reply” into an integer. succeeded = true; } catch { Console.WriteLine(request+” (make it a number)”); } } … Read more

I am attempting write a class that multiplies two matrices using arrays. Are there any errors in the code? [closed]

int Frows = FM.length; int Fcolumns = FM[0].length; int Srows = FM[0].length; int Scolumns = FM.length; should be int Frows = FM.length; int Fcolumns = FM[0].length; int Srows = FM.length; int Scolumns = FM[0].length; and … float finAns[][] = new float[Fcolumns][Scolumns]; should be float finAns[][] = new float[Frows][Scolumns]; Start with that