I am attempting write a class that multiplies two matrices using arrays. Are there any errors in the code? [closed]

int Frows = FM.length; int Fcolumns = FM[0].length; int Srows = FM[0].length; int Scolumns = FM.length; should be int Frows = FM.length; int Fcolumns = FM[0].length; int Srows = FM.length; int Scolumns = FM[0].length; and … float finAns[][] = new float[Fcolumns][Scolumns]; should be float finAns[][] = new float[Frows][Scolumns]; Start with that

How to loop over a nested JavaScript object in jQuery? [closed]

I think you member should be like this var members = [{unit:1,name: [“AA”, “AB”],userid:[“0001″,”0002”]}, {unit:2,name: [“BA”, “BB”],userid:[“0011″,”0012”]}]; var members = [{unit:1,name: [“AA”, “AB”],userid:[“0001″,”0002”]}, {unit:2,name: [“BA”, “BB”],userid:[“0011″,”0012”]}]; members.forEach(function(v,i){ if(v.unit==1) { console.log(v.name); } });