Python equivalent of npm or rubygems?

The pip tool is becoming the standard in equivalent of Ruby’s gems. Like distribute, pip uses the PyPI package repository (by default) for resolving and downloading dependencies. pip can install dependencies from a file listing project dependencies (called requirements.txt by convention): pip install -r requirements.txt You can “freeze” the current packages on the Python path … Read more

How do I update npm on Windows?

You need to follow the Windows upgrade instructions ( ) tl;dr – npm -g install npm does work, but the old version of npm is still in your PATH. To fix this, do one of these: Option 2: remove both of C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\npm C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\npm.cmd Or Option 3: Open cmd.exe as administrator, … Read more

What does “npm audit fix” exactly do?

From NPM’s site on their audit command: npm audit fix runs a full-fledged npm install under the hood And it seems that an audit fix only does semver-compatible upgrades by default. Listed earlier in the document: Have audit fix install semver-major updates to toplevel dependencies, not just semver-compatible ones: $ npm audit fix –force As … Read more

Why is WSL extremely slow when compared with native Windows NPM/Yarn processing?

Since you mention executing the same files (with proper performance) from within Git Bash, I’m going to make an assumption here. Correct me if I’m wrong on this, and I’ll delete the answer and look for another possibility. This would be explained (and expected) if your files are stored on /mnt/c (a.k.a. C:, or /C … Read more

How can I manage client-side JavaScript dependencies? [closed]

RequireJS does everything you need. My answer to this question may help you. Example: Client app project hierarchy: sampleapp |___ main.js |___ cs.js |___ require.js main.js is where you initialize your client application and configure RequireJS: require.config({ baseUrl: “/sampleapp”, paths: { jquery: “libs/jquery”, // Local underscore: “”, // Remote backbone: “” // Remote on GitHub … Read more