Reading file opened with Python Paramiko method is slow

Calling SFTPFile.prefetch should increase the read speed: ncfile =‘mynetCDFfile’) ncfile.prefetch() b_ncfile = Another option is enabling read buffering, using bufsize parameter of ncfile =‘mynetCDFfile’, bufsize=32768) b_ncfile = (32768 is a value of SFTPFile.MAX_REQUEST_SIZE) Similarly for writes/uploads: Writing to a file on SFTP server opened using pysftp “open” method is slow. … Read more

Running interactive commands in Paramiko

The full paramiko distribution ships with a lot of good demos. In the demos subdirectory, and have full interactive TTY examples which would probably be overkill for your situation. In your example above ssh_stdin acts like a standard Python file object, so ssh_stdin.write should work so long as the channel is still open. … Read more

Nested SSH using Python Paramiko

Try the following edited code, it should work: #!/usr/bin/python # # Paramiko # import paramiko import sys import subprocess # # we instantiate a new object referencing paramiko’s SSHClient class # vm = paramiko.SSHClient() vm.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) vm.connect(‘′, username=”osmanl”, password=’xxxxxx’) # vmtransport = vm.get_transport() dest_addr = (‘’, 22) #edited# local_addr = (‘’, 22) #edited# vmchannel = vmtransport.open_channel(“direct-tcpip”, … Read more

pysftp vs. Paramiko

pysftp is a wrapper around Paramiko with a more Python-ish interface. pysftp interface does not expose all of the features of Paramiko. On the other hand, pysftp implements more high-level features on top of Paramiko, notably recursive file transfers. pysftp has not been updated since 2016, so it seems abandoned project. It has also some … Read more

Execute multiple commands in Paramiko so that commands are affected by their predecessors

When you run exec_command multiple times, each command is executed in its own “shell”. So the previous commands have no effect on an environment of the following commands. If you need the previous commands to affect the following commands, just use an appropriate syntax of your server shell. Most *nix shells use a semicolon or … Read more

How to use Paramiko logging?

Paramiko names its loggers, so simply: import logging import paramiko logging.basicConfig() logging.getLogger(“paramiko”).setLevel(logging.WARNING) # for example See the logging cookbook for some more examples. You can also use log_to_file from paramiko.util to log directly to a file.