Permutation algorithm without recursion? Java

You should use the fact that when you want all permutations of N numbers there are N! possibilities. Therefore each number x from 1..N! encodes such a permutation. Here is a sample that iteratively prints out all permutations of a sting. private static void printPermutationsIterative(String string){ int [] factorials = new int[string.length()+1]; factorials[0] = 1; … Read more

Algorithm to list unique permutations of string with duplicate letters

For a multiset, you can solve recursively by position (JavaScript code): function f(multiset,counters,result){ if (counters.every(x => x === 0)){ console.log(result); return; } for (var i=0; i<counters.length; i++){ if (counters[i] > 0){ _counters = counters.slice(); _counters[i]–; f(multiset,_counters,result + multiset[i]); } } } f([‘A’,’B’],[3,3],”);

Why does Python’s itertools.permutations contain duplicates? (When the original list has duplicates)

I can’t speak for the designer of itertools.permutations (Raymond Hettinger), but it seems to me that there are a couple of points in favour of the design: First, if you used a next_permutation-style approach, then you’d be restricted to passing in objects that support a linear ordering. Whereas itertools.permutations provides permutations of any kind of … Read more