How to write a stored procedure using phpmyadmin and how to use it through php?

Since a stored procedure is created, altered and dropped using queries you actually CAN manage them using phpMyAdmin. To create a stored procedure, you can use the following (change as necessary) : CREATE PROCEDURE sp_test() BEGIN SELECT ‘Number of records: ‘, count(*) from test; END// And make sure you set the “Delimiter” field on the … Read more

phpMyAdmin on MySQL 8.0 [duplicate]

Log in to MySQL console with root user: root@9532f0da1a2a:/# mysql -u root -pPASSWORD and change the Authentication Plugin with the password there: mysql> ALTER USER root IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY ‘PASSWORD’; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.08 sec) You can read more info about the Preferred Authentication Plugin on the MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual … Read more

MySQL : isn’t in GROUP BY

You need to have a full group by: SELECT `name`, `type`, `language`, `code` FROM `users` WHERE `verified` = ‘1’ GROUP BY `name`, `type`, `language`, `code` ORDER BY `count` DESC LIMIT 0, 25 SQL92 requires that all columns (except aggregates) in the select clause is part of the group by clause. SQL99 loosens this restriction a … Read more