Why is using a mysql prepared statement more secure than using the common escape functions?

An important point that I think people here are missing is that with a database that supports parameterized queries, there is no ‘escaping’ to worry about. The database engine doesn’t combine the bound variables into the SQL statement and then parse the whole thing; The bound variables are kept separate and never parsed as a … Read more

Is mysql_real_escape_string() broken?

From the MySQL’s C API function mysql_real_escape_string description: If you need to change the character set of the connection, you should use the mysql_set_character_set() function rather than executing a SET NAMES (or SET CHARACTER SET) statement. mysql_set_character_set() works like SET NAMES but also affects the character set used by mysql_real_escape_string(), which SET NAMES does not. … Read more

How to use an arraylist as a prepared statement parameter [duplicate]

You may want to use setArray method as mentioned in the javadoc below: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/sql/PreparedStatement.html#setArray(int, java.sql.Array) Sample Code: PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(“select * from employee where id in (?)”); Array array = conn.createArrayOf(“VARCHAR”, new Object[]{“1”, “2”,”3″}); pstmt.setArray(1, array); ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();

Getting java.sql.SQLException: Operation not allowed after ResultSet closed

The problem is with the way you fetch data in getStuff(). Each time you visit getStuff() you obtain a fresh ResultSet but you don’t close it. This violates the expectation of the Statement class (see here – http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/sql/Statement.html): By default, only one ResultSet object per Statement object can be open at the same time. Therefore, … Read more

Does Python support MySQL prepared statements?

Most languages provide a way to do generic parameterized statements, Python is no different. When a parameterized query is used databases that support preparing statements will automatically do so. In python a parameterized query looks like this: cursor.execute(“SELECT FROM tablename WHERE fieldname = %s”, [value]) The specific style of parameterization may be different depending on … Read more