What are different types of notifications in iOS and how to configure them correctly?

EDIT: While this answer is fully applicable, there are some additions (not changes) to notifications in iOS 12. I highly recommend watching WWDC 2018: What’s New in User Notifications and read this amazing and must read article. Main changes are: grouped notifications along with summary format provisional notifications ie show notifications directly in notification center … Read more

Will iOS launch my app into the background if it was force-quit by the user?

UPDATE2: You can achieve this using the new PushKit framework, introduced in iOS 8. Though PushKit is used for VoIP. So your usage should be for VoIP related otherwise there is risk of app rejection. (See this answer). UDPDATE1: The documentation has been clarified for iOS8. The documentation can be read here. Here is a … Read more

Create a notification

I think you want to implement firebase to your app to show notifications. use push-notifications. steps: add firebase to your android project . you can see the step by step here. https://firebase.google.com/docs/android/setup the next step is to read and write data to firebase. https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/android/read-and-write here when you read the data you can push notification. if … Read more