Java / Hibernate – Write operations are not allowed in read-only mode

That error message is typically seen when using the Spring OpenSessionInViewFilter and trying to do persistence operations outside of a Spring-managed transaction. The filter sets the session to FlushMode.NEVER/MANUAL (depending on the versions of Spring and Hibernate you’re using–they’re roughly equivalent). When the Spring transaction mechanism begins a transaction, it changes the flush mode to … Read more

How to make Entity Framework Data Context Readonly

In addition to connecting with a read-only user, there are a few other things you can do to your DbContext. public class MyReadOnlyContext : DbContext { // Use ReadOnlyConnectionString from App/Web.config public MyContext() : base(“Name=ReadOnlyConnectionString”) { } // Don’t expose Add(), Remove(), etc. public DbQuery<Customer> Customers { get { // Don’t track changes to query … Read more

Immutable numpy array?

You can make a numpy array unwriteable: a = np.arange(10) a.flags.writeable = False a[0] = 1 # Gives: ValueError: assignment destination is read-only Also see the discussion in this thread: and the documentation:

How do I delete a directory with read-only files in C#?

Simplest way of avoiding recursive calls is by utilising the AllDirectories option when getting FileSystemInfos, like so: public static void ForceDeleteDirectory(string path) { var directory = new DirectoryInfo(path) { Attributes = FileAttributes.Normal }; foreach (var info in directory.GetFileSystemInfos(“*”, SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { info.Attributes = FileAttributes.Normal; } directory.Delete(true); }