Redirect from an HTML page

Try using: <meta http-equiv=”refresh” content=”0; url=” /> Note: Place it in the <head> section. Additionally for older browsers if you add a quick link in case it doesn’t refresh correctly: <p><a href=””>Redirect</a></p> Will appear as Redirect This will still allow you to get to where you’re going with an additional click.

Any Javascript GURU here to make this Script ? If Anchor is Changed Redirect the Page

Not sure if you want the page to automatically redirect or to just have the URL changed dynamically. As you used the term ‘redirect’ I’ll go with the first one. Run something like this once your page has loaded. var anchorTags = document.getElementsByTagName(“a”); var len = anchorTags.length; while (len–) { var anchor = anchorTags[len]; if … Read more

What does 2>&1 mean here?

Before talking about redirections i have the feeling that you need to understand a basic thing: Linux commands produce normal output and error output, and unix gives you the freedom to “redirect” each output to a separate “channel” , called file descriptors (fd). Channel/fd 1 is used for std ouput and Channel/fd 2 is used … Read more