C++ signal to QML slot in Qt

You should use Connections in this case (maybe it’s the only way to connect). Put your object myObj to QML file by setContextProperty qmlVectorForm->rootContext()->setContextProperty(“YourObject”, myOb); Your signal is finishedGatheringDataForItem(QString signalString) In QML file, add Connectios likes below: Connections { target: YourObject onFinishedGatheringDataForItem: { qmlString = signalString } }

PyQt: Connecting a signal to a slot to start a background operation

It shouldn’t matter whether the connection is made before or after moving the worker object to the other thread. To quote from the Qt docs: Qt::AutoConnection – If the signal is emitted from a different thread than the receiving object, the signal is queued, behaving as Qt::QueuedConnection. Otherwise, the slot is invoked directly, behaving as … Read more