Why does git sign with GPG keys rather than using SSH keys?

Update Sept. 2022: 1Password supports generating and storing an SSH key for Git commit signature, recognized by GitHub. Update 2021: OpenSSH 8.2+ is available (packaged for instance in Git For Windows 2.33.1), and “it is now possible to sign arbitrary data with your SSH keys” (Andrew Ayer), including commits in Git. Andrew points to git/git … Read more

How to prevent that the password to decrypt the private key has to be entered every time when using Git Bash on Windows?

For Windows users, just a note that this is how I set up the Git Bash environment to log me in once when I start it up. I edit my ~/.bashrc file: eval `ssh-agent` ssh-add So when I start Git Bash, it looks like: Welcome to Git (version 1.7.8-preview20111206) (etc) Agent pid 3376 Enter passphrase … Read more

Calculate RSA key fingerprint

Run the following command to retrieve the SHA256 fingerprint of your SSH key (-l means “list” instead of create a new key, -f means “filename”): $ ssh-keygen -lf /path/to/ssh/key So for example, on my machine the command I ran was (using RSA public key): $ ssh-keygen -lf ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub 2048 00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff /Users/username/.ssh/id_rsa.pub (RSA) To get the … Read more

How to work on personal GitHub repo from office computer whose SSH key is already added to a work related GitHub account?

You can add as many public:private key you want, the idea being to register them in %HOME%/.ssh/config file, in order for you to define remote with ssh addresses like: workgh:Work persgh:Personal See “change github account mac command line” as an example of an ssh/config file. In your case: #Personal GitHub Host persgh HostName github.com User … Read more

How can I transform between the two styles of public key format, one “BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY”, the other is “BEGIN PUBLIC KEY”

I wanted to help explain what’s going on here. An RSA “Public Key” consists of two numbers: the modulus (e.g. a 2,048 bit number) the exponent (usually 65,537) Using your RSA public key as an example, the two numbers are: Modulus: 297,056,429,939,040,947,991,047,334,197,581,225,628,107,021,573,849,359,042,679,698,093,131,908,015,712,695,688,944,173,317,630,555,849,768,647,118,986,535,684,992,447,654,339,728,777,985,990,170,679,511,111,819,558,063,246,667,855,023,730,127,805,401,069,042,322,764,200,545,883,378,826,983,730,553,730,138,478,384,327,116,513,143,842,816,383,440,639,376,515,039,682,874,046,227,217,032,079,079,790,098,143,158,087,443,017,552,531,393,264,852,461,292,775,129,262,080,851,633,535,934,010,704,122,673,027,067,442,627,059,982,393,297,716,922,243,940,155,855,127,430,302,323,883,824,137,412,883,916,794,359,982,603,439,112,095,116,831,297,809,626,059,569,444,750,808,699,678,211,904,501,083,183,234,323,797,142,810,155,862,553,705,570,600,021,649,944,369,726,123,996,534,870,137,000,784,980,673,984,909,570,977,377,882,585,701 Exponent: 65,537 The question then becomes how do we want to store these … Read more