Reading the target of a .lnk file in Python?

Create a shortcut using Python (via WSH) import sys import win32com.client shell = win32com.client.Dispatch(“WScript.Shell”) shortcut = shell.CreateShortCut(“t:\\test.lnk”) shortcut.Targetpath = “t:\\ftemp” Read the Target of a Shortcut using Python (via WSH) import sys import win32com.client shell = win32com.client.Dispatch(“WScript.Shell”) shortcut = shell.CreateShortCut(“t:\\test.lnk”) print(shortcut.Targetpath)

Get target of shortcut folder

I think you will need to use COM and add a reference to “Microsoft Shell Control And Automation”, as described in this blog post: Here’s an example using the code provided there: namespace Shortcut { using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using Shell32; class Program { public static string GetShortcutTargetFile(string shortcutFilename) { string pathOnly = … Read more

How do I specify multiple targets in my podfile for my Xcode project?

Since CocoaPods 1.0 has changed the syntax, instead of using link_with, do something like: # Note; name needs to be all lower-case. def shared_pods pod ‘SSKeychain’, ‘~> 0.1.4’ pod ‘INAppStoreWindow’, :head pod ‘AFNetworking’, ‘1.1.0’ pod ‘Reachability’, ‘~> 3.1.0’ pod ‘KSADNTwitterFormatter’, ‘~> 0.1.0’ pod ‘MASShortcut’, ‘~> 1.1’ pod ‘MagicalRecord’, ‘2.1’ pod ‘MASPreferences’, ‘~> 1.0’ end target … Read more

Can I create links with ‘target=”_blank”‘ in Markdown?

As far as the Markdown syntax is concerned, if you want to get that detailed, you’ll just have to use HTML. <a href=”” target=”_blank”>Hello, world!</a> Most Markdown engines I’ve seen allow plain old HTML, just for situations like this where a generic text markup system just won’t cut it. (The StackOverflow engine, for example.) They … Read more

PowerShell script not zipping correct files

Pass the files as full paths to the Zip function, using their .FullName property (PSv3+ syntax): Zip C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\ $Files.FullName The problem is that, in Windows PowerShell, the [System.IO.FileInfo] instances returned by Get-ChildItem situationally[1] stringify to their file names only, which is what happened in your case, so your Zip function then interpreted the $toBeZipped values … Read more