MySQL disable all triggers

You can’t disable triggers directly and I wouldn’t recommend doing what you’re suggesting but you could have your trigger check if a variable (in my example below @disable_triggers) is NULL before executing the trigger’s content. For example: Query: SET @disable_triggers = 1; // Your update statement goes here. SET @disable_triggers = NULL; Triggers: IF @disable_triggers … Read more

What is the difference between AsyncPostBackTrigger & PostBackTrigger?

Controls inside an UpdatePanel by default cause a partial page update, controls outside cause a postback, using these triggers it is possible to change this behaviour as required. From (dead link) AsyncPostBackTrigger Converts postbacks into async callbacks * Typically used to trigger updates when controls outside an UpdatePanel post back * If ChildrenAsTriggers=”false”, can … Read more

Trigger in sqlachemy

You can create trigger in the database with DDL class: update_task_state = DDL(”’\ CREATE TRIGGER update_task_state UPDATE OF state ON obs BEGIN UPDATE task SET state = 2 WHERE (obs_id = and (new.state = 2); END;”’) event.listen(Obs.__table__, ‘after_create’, update_task_state) This is the most reliable way: it will work for bulk updates when ORM is … Read more

Trigger to fire only if a condition is met in SQL Server

Given that a WHERE clause did not work, maybe this will: CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[SystemParameterInsertUpdate] ON [dbo].[SystemParameter] FOR INSERT, UPDATE AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON If (SELECT Attribute FROM INSERTED) LIKE ‘NoHist_%’ Begin Return End INSERT INTO SystemParameterHistory ( Attribute, ParameterValue, ParameterDescription, ChangeDate ) SELECT Attribute, ParameterValue, ParameterDescription, ChangeDate FROM Inserted AS I END

How can I use enum types in XAML?

I had a similar question here, and my end result was to create a generic IValueConverter that passed the enum value I wanted to match in as the ConverterParameter, and it returns true or false depending on if the bound value matches the (int) value of the Enum. The end result looks like this: XAML … Read more

PostgreSQL – set a default cell value according to another cell value

This is not possible with a simple DEFAULT value, as the manual clearly states: The value is any variable-free expression (subqueries and cross-references to other columns in the current table are not allowed). You could use a trigger instead: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trg_foo_b_default() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $func$ BEGIN — For just a … Read more