Removing the title text of an iOS UIBarButtonItem

To set the back button title for a view controller without changing its title use: Objective-C: self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@”” target:nil action:nil]; Swift: navigationItem.backBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(title: “”, style: .plain, target: nil, action: nil) To be clear, this is done on the view controller that you would see if you hit the back button. … Read more

How do I change the title of the “back” button on a Navigation Bar

This should be placed in the method that calls the ViewController titled “NewTitle”. Right before the push or popViewController statement. UIBarButtonItem *newBackButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@”NewTitle” style:UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered target:nil action:nil]; [[self navigationItem] setBackBarButtonItem:newBackButton]; [newBackButton release];