How do I rotate a target object around axis A by how much a different object is rotated around axis B?

You can get the steering wheel’s y rotation with Quaternion.eulerAngles and getting the y component: float rotateAngle = stairing.transform.localRotation.eulerAngles.y; You can set the mirror’s localRotation to only rotate by rotateAngle around the Z axis by calling Quaternion.Euler with a forward vector whose length is the angle you’d like to rotate: mirror.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.forward * rotateAngle); … Read more

What would void Start() be in pseudocode [closed]

It depends on what you mean by “pseudocode”. Most people just mean that it is generally simpler and more natural-English-looking, with relaxed syntax when compared to “real” code. Generally in that case I would use something like run_at_start and run_30_times_a_second to cover what Unity does. However if you have a specific definition of “pseudocode” that … Read more