crawl site that has infinite scrolling using python

You can use selenium to scrap the infinite scrolling website like twitter or facebook. Step 1 : Install Selenium using pip pip install selenium Step 2 : use the code below to automate infinite scroll and extract the source code from selenium import webdriver from import By from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from import … Read more

How to give URL to scrapy for crawling?

I’m not really sure about the commandline option. However, you could write your spider like this. class MySpider(BaseSpider): name=”my_spider” def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MySpider, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.start_urls = [kwargs.get(‘start_url’)] And start it like: scrapy crawl my_spider -a start_url=”http://some_url”

Nodejs: Async request with a list of URL

You can use something like Promise library e.g. snippet const Promise = require(“bluebird”); const axios = require(“axios”); //Axios wrapper for error handling const axios_wrapper = (options) => { return axios(…options) .then((r) => { return Promise.resolve({ data:, error: null, }); }) .catch((e) => { return Promise.resolve({ data: null, error: e.response ? : e, }); … Read more

how to filter duplicate requests based on url in scrapy

You can write custom middleware for duplicate removal and add it in settings import os from scrapy.dupefilter import RFPDupeFilter class CustomFilter(RFPDupeFilter): “””A dupe filter that considers specific ids in the url””” def __getid(self, url): mm = url.split(“&refer”)[0] #or something like that return mm def request_seen(self, request): fp = self.__getid(request.url) if fp in self.fingerprints: return True … Read more