My Batch File keeps looping, but why?

In Windows, if you have a command line executable with the same name as your bat filename, and the batch file contains this command, the batch file keeps looping since Windows will execute that .bat file instead of the Windows command. Example: Create the file net.bat on your desktop. In your file, write this text: … Read more

Batch rename sequential files by padding with zeroes

Python import os path=”/path/to/files/” for filename in os.listdir(path): prefix, num = filename[:-4].split(‘_’) num = num.zfill(4) new_filename = prefix + “_” + num + “.png” os.rename(os.path.join(path, filename), os.path.join(path, new_filename)) you could compile a list of valid filenames assuming that all files that start with “output_” and end with “.png” are valid files: l = [(x, “output” … Read more

Less than or equal to

In batch, the > is a redirection sign used to output data into a text file. The compare op’s available (And recommended) for cmd are below (quoted from the if /? help): where compare-op may be one of: EQU – equal NEQ – not equal LSS – less than LEQ – less than or equal … Read more