System properties management

If you really want a quick and simple way to change a system property, you can use the script console System.setProperty(“hudson.remoting.Launcher.pingIntervalSec”, 0) But that won’t survive a restart. To make it permanent, add the setting to the java args. For me (CentOS, Jenkins 2.7.1) that’s a line about halfway down /etc/sysconfig/jenkins (for other distributions I … Read more

How to “Unlock Jenkins”?

Starting from version 2.0 of Jenkins you may use -Djenkins.install.runSetupWizard=false to prevent this screen. Accroding to documentation jenkins.install.runSetupWizard – Set to false to skip install wizard. Note that this leaves Jenkins unsecured by default. Development-mode only: Set to true to not skip showing the setup wizard during Jenkins development. More details about Jenkins properties can … Read more

modify PATH variable in jenkins master

You are doing it right. The same Manage Jenkins => Global Properties => Environment variables works for me. Please note that if you have the EnvInject plugin installed, it seems to mask the environment variables from Jenkins global configuration. So uninstall EnvInject and try again.