Guide on how to use regex in Nginx location block section?

Nginx location: Nginx location block section have a search order, a modifier, an implicit match type and an implicit switch to whether stop the search on match or not. the following array describe it for regex. # ——————————————————————————————————————————————– # Search-Order Modifier Description Match-Type Stops-search-on-match # ——————————————————————————————————————————————– # 1st = The URI must match the specified … Read more

How to replace a string in an existing file in Perl

Use a one-liner: $ perl -pi.bak -e ‘s/blue/red/g’ *_classification.dat Explanation -p processes, then prints <> line by line -i activates in-place editing. Files are backed up using the .bak extension The regex substitution acts on the implicit variable, which are the contents of the file, line-by-line

Shortest match in regex from end

Use negative lookahead assertion. foo(?:(?!foo).)*?boo DEMO (?:(?!foo).)*? – Non-greedy match of any character but not of foo zero or more times. That is, before matching each character, it would check that the character is not the letter f followed by two o‘s. If yes, then only the corresponding character will be matched. Why the regex … Read more

RegularExpressionAttribute – How to make it not case sensitive for client side validation?

I created this attribute which allows you to specify RegexOptions. EDIT: It also integrates with unobtrusive validation. The client will only obey RegexOptions.Multiline and RegexOptions.IgnoreCase since that is what JavaScript supports. [RegularExpressionWithOptions(@”.+@example\.com”, RegexOptions = RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)] C# public class RegularExpressionWithOptionsAttribute : RegularExpressionAttribute, IClientValidatable { public RegularExpressionWithOptionsAttribute(string pattern) : base(pattern) { } public RegexOptions RegexOptions { get; … Read more