How can i make my own command to my first console application in VB.NET? [closed]

Console.ReadLine will block execution until the user has pressed the enter key. It then returns the full string of whatever the user typed on that line. You can then write conditional code which acts on whatever that returns. So, for instance: Dim input As String = Console.ReadLine() If input = “Hello World” Then Console.WriteLine(“Hello to … Read more

How to set variable to a huge number

All data types are stored as bits, and there is a maximum number that most can hold. Learn about the data types and their limitations from MSDN: Also see this answer:Is there any big integer class for Visual Basic .NET (128 or more bits)?

I’ve Written The Code For The Button’s Click Event, But Nothing Happens When I Click It At Run Time. Why?

try this: Public Class Form1 Dim a as string Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click MsgBox(“You Typed” + a + “!”) End Sub Private Sub keyentered(e As KeyEventArgs) If e.KeyCode = Keys.E Then a = “e” MsgBox(“You Typed” + a + “!”) End If End Sub if it doesnt work, add … Read more

Hangman VB Not Working

Dim myword, guess As String Dim mywordlen, x As Integer Dim flag As Boolean Console.WriteLine(“Player 1, please enter a word to guess”) myword = Console.ReadLine() mywordlen = myword.Length – 1 Dim answer(mywordlen), displayword(mywordlen) As Char Dim score As Integer = 10 For x = 0 To mywordlen answer(x) = Mid(myword, x + 1, 1) displayword(x) … Read more

Drawing Textbox at runtime in and indexing

You can try a resizable UserControl. Create a new UserControl as a template (German, but you will find it): Set the BorderStyle to FixedSingle. Add a Label to the UserControl. I called it lblInner: Now for some coding including the possibility to resize the UserControl at Runtime using Mouse Handles. Please note that the code … Read more

Adding numbers using

Try This Dim inputno01 as integer Dim inputno02 as integer dim calculate as integer If Integer.TryParse(txtinput.Text, calculate) Then if calculate=1 then dim total as integer total=inputno01+inputno02 textboxtotal.text=total.string else me.close