How can I set the dpiAware property in a Windows application manifest to “per monitor” in Visual Studio?

New in Windows 10 is dpiAwareness as well as dpiAware, so we need to update this example a bit. Now, it is fine because if dpiAwareness does not exist, then the settings will be inherited from dpiAware. To enable DPI awareness in full, with the latest Win10 support (see Ref URL for other possible options), … Read more

Can I still use Microsoft.Office.Interop assemblies with office 2013?

PIAs are a historical artifact, required only by old .NET versions (before v4). They have been thoroughly and elegantly replaced by the “Embed Interop Types” feature, also known as the “No PIA” feature. Supported since Visual Studio 2010, you’ll find it back in the Properties window when you select a reference assembly. It defaults to … Read more