access model in javascript asp .net mvc razor

model is undefined, as far as JavaScript is concerned. The server-side code in your view executes, well, server-side. JavaScript has no notion of that. It’s only concerned with the client-side output of that code. You can kind of mix the two, but need to keep in mind that the server-side components are just there to emit strings which will be part of the client-side output.

So, for example, if you have a property on your model called:


Then you can’t use it directly in JavaScript like this:

// or

That’s not using the razor view syntax to tell the view engine that there’s server-side code here. This is syntactically client-side code, and there is no Model client-side. So you need to indicate that there’s server-side pre-processing to do:


Additionally, if SomeProperty is a string, then keep in mind that it’s output isn’t going to include quotes. So you’d need to provide those for client-side code as well:


Thus, the server-side value of SomeProperty will be emitted here when it’s rendered to the client. So if the value is something like "Hello World" then the resulting client-side code would be:

alert('Hello World')

The main thing is to keep in mind the separation between the server-side code and the client-side code. All JavaScript/HTML/CSS is just one big string as far as server-side code is concerned. The view is essentially just creating a big string to send to the browser. Once it’s in the browser, the client-side rendering knows the difference between JavaScript/HTML/CSS and executes accordingly, long after the server-side code is gone.

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