Activity not started, its current task has been brought to the front

It is not an error message, it is a warning. It means that (a task of) the application is running and that even though a ‘startActivity’ request was made to run that task, or another activity in the application. The system is just bringing the current task of that application to the foreground. (This can occur if you are running in Eclipse or AndroidStudio with the emulator.)

What the system is trying to tell you: The application on the device is the same as your application in Eclipse. And because the application is already running on the device, the system tells you that it is not going to kill and restart it, but bring the activity of your already running app into the foreground. This is pretty normal. 😉

The warning will not continue if you edit your code and run it (because the app is then killed, reinstalled and started) or if you kill your process on the phone, e.g. via the DDMS.

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