Adaptive segue in storyboard Xcode 6. Is push deprecated?

Yes, use ‘Show’ instead of ‘Push’

How can I make “show” work like push? Is it possible or should I use
“push (depricated)” instead?

It should; it does for me. I am using Xcode 6 beta 2 and to test I used the single view template (calling the pre made view controller in IB ‘VC_A’). I then added another view controller (‘VC_B’). I then added a button on VC_A to show VC_B and another from VC_B back to VC_A. When I add a navigation controller as the initial view controller in the storyboard and make VC_A the rootViewController, both ‘push’ and ‘show’ have the same effect. If I don’t have an initial navigation controller and I use ‘show’ I get what you described in that the VC_B does a slide up from bottom. If I try to ‘push’ I get a crash since in order to do push I must have navigation controller. So it would seem that ‘show’ will do a push in the case where a navigation controller is provided and do a present with a modal transition style if a navigation controller is not present.

Where can I find any information about new types of segue?

So I found some information in the ‘What’s New in Interface Builder’ session here. If you look at the slides you will see one slide (41) mention the change. When watching that session video you can skip to minute 38:00 where they start talking about adaptive segues. They do explain that the ‘show’ adaptive segue, for example, takes the context in account when deciding how to do the presentation of a new view controller.

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