Algorithm to check similarity of colors

RGB distance in the euclidean space is not very similar to “average human perception”.

You can use YUV color space, it takes into account this factor :

 |  Y' |     |  0.299     0.587    0.114   | | R |
 |  U  |  =  | -0.14713  -0.28886  0.436   | | G |
 |  V  |     |  0.615    -0.51499 -0.10001 | | B |

You can also use the CIE color space for this purpose.


I shall mention that YUV color space is an inexpensive approximation that can be computed via simple formulas. But it is not perceptually uniform. Perceptually uniform means that a change of the same amount in a color value should produce a change of about the same visual importance.
If you need a more precise and rigourous metric you must definitely consider CIELAB color space or an another perceptually uniform space (even if there are no simple formulas for conversion).

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