Alternative to ui:fragment in JSF

Since ui:fragment doesn’t support rendered most of IDE (like Netbeans mark it as error BUT it works because in JSF parameters are inherited)

This is actually a bug in JSF 2.0 Facelets tag file declaration (in Mojarra, that’s the com/sun/faces/metadata/taglib/ui.taglib.xml file). The rendered attribute is overlooked and missing in the tag file declaration (and also in the JSF 2.0 <ui:fragment> tag documentation), while it is really present in the UIComponent. The IDE validation is based on the tag file declarations and hence it gives a misleading validation error. This issue is fixed in JSF 2.1, the missing attribute is added to the tag file declaration (and also in the JSF 2.1 <ui:fragment> tag documentation).

If either just ignoring the IDE warnings or upgrading to JSF 2.1 is not an option, then you can consider using the <h:panelGroup> component instead:

<h:panelGroup rendered="#{condition}">
   <h:outputText value="text 1"/>
   <h:outputText value="text 2"/>
   <h:outputText value="text 3"/>

It outputs nothing anyway if you don’t specify the id, style, styleClass and like attributes, else a simple <span> will be rendered.

If all what you have is plain vanilla HTML (i.e. no JSF components), then you can also consider using <f:verbatim>.

<f:verbatim rendered="#{condition}">
   text 1
   text 2
   text 3

However, the <f:verbatim> is deprecated in JSF 2.0 (which in turn has also a documentary bug by the way, the JSF 2.0 <f:verbatim> tag documentation does not mention deprecation, but the JSF 2.1 <f:verbatim> tag documentation does).

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