Android ACTION_SHUTDOWN Broadcast not working

I know this is old but I have a partial solution which follows the material above. At least the shutdown event is called and I am able to do that unique item on shutdown, but there is a side effect that I don’t understand; a memory leak. In one sense it IS shutdown so the memory leak has no drastic effects but I don’t understand it and that is a bother.

In any case I have no additions in the manifest.xml with respect to this BroadcastReceiver. It is completely defined in code.

In my main activity a define a class as above

private class ShutDownReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver

    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
            Log.i(TAG, "System shutting down");
            context.stopService(new Intent(context, BluetoothPanService.class));


In the main activity’s onResume() method I instantiate and register the receiver:

public void onResume()
    Log.i(TAG, "Measurement Log Activity has Resumed.");

    IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_SHUTDOWN);
    mReceiver = new ShutDownReceiver();
    registerReceiver(mReceiver, filter);

(‘mReceiver’ is defined as a private class variable of the main activity)

And finally in the main activity’s onPause() I unregister the receiver

public void onPause()
    Log.i(TAG, "Measurement Log Activity has Paused.");

When the phone is powered off the ACTION_SHUTDOWN event is indeed signaled and the service is stopped; it’s onDestroy() method is signaled and a message to a remote MQTT broker service is published indicating that the client is no longer connected. The remote broker is getting the message so I know it is working.

However, after that all hell break loose and it’s mainly because I cannot stop my service from re-starting (even though I set START_NOT_STICKY in the onStartCommand method). But at this time besides getting a lot of red error lines in logcat, the ACTION_SHUTDOWN is heeded and the action I need to invoke gets done.

Hope this helps someone (who perhaps isn’t dealing with shutting down a service).

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